‘The greatest food writer who ever lived.’ -Simon Schama
Posted 25th May 2017
THE GASTRONOMICAL ME by M.F.K. Fisher is available now! Featuring a new foreword by the inimitable Bee Wilson:
The problem with most food writing is that it is too much about ingredients and not enough about appetite. Every time I return to M.F.K Fisher — and she is the most re-readable of all prose stylists — I am struck that she tells you all the vital stuff that other food writers leave out. Her books are full of private cravings.
Many writers will give you a fine description of dinner but forget to tell you what it meant to the people at the table. Not Fisher. Meals, for her, are not just about what was served, but who ate it and how it made them feel. Her dinners are about disappointments, the passing of time and the thrill of laughing uncontrollably over gin and toast and caviar with a secret lover. When she writes of hunger, as she famously explains at the start of this book, she is ‘really writing about love and the hunger for it and warmth and the love of it and the hunger for it … and it is all one’.
Available now in Daunt Books, online, and all other book retailers throughout the UK! Read more about the book here.